My Process
Nearly all of my paintings come from my experiences and observations of life going on around me. It should be obvious to the casual observer that I love painting landscapes, and specifically old buildings and old majestic trees. Often I will see a photograph or painting that inspires me and I will use that as the inspiration to make my own version of it.
When I see an old farmhouse or barn it immediately takes me back to my childhood visits to my grandfather’s farm. The older I get the more I long for the innocence and simplicity of that time gone by.
Though I have dabbled in other mediums such as oils and watercolor, I find that I prefer using acrylic paints. I find acrylics much easier to work with and much more forgiving if I make a mistake. The only drawback is how quickly acrylics dries. This makes blending colors more challenging unless I use a slow drying medium with the acrylics. Since acrylic paints are water based the clean-up is also much easier than oils.
Though many artists eventually settle on a style that is reflected in their art, I have yet to settle into one particular style. So, in addition to realism as reflected in my landscapes you will find the occasional still life or on occasion, I will try my hand at an abstract or an impressionist painting. I will also occasionally use a palette knife instead of a brush to create paintings with more texture and an almost 3-D effect.
I just enjoy the process of discovering all of the possibilities my art can offer in expressing myself. I hope you enjoy my art as much as I do in creating it..